DESCRIPTION Real salmon and ocean fish are the #1 ingredient in this CRAVE protein-rich dry grain free cat food. Our recipes aren't based on trends or buzzwords. Our recipes are based on primal, ancestral diets - inspired by wild cats, but formulated for little cats. With 40% protein, you can feed your feline's inner wild cat the high protein, complete and balanced diet with essential nutrients for supporting strong muscle, aiding in digestion, providing energy, and supporting healthy feline immune systems. Grain free - with NO corn, NO wheat, and NO soy protein.
Key Benefits:
Contains one (1) 4 lb. bag of CRAVE Adult Dry Cat Food with Protein from Salmon & Ocean FishReal salmon and ocean fish are the #1 ingredient to give cats the flavor they go wild for and the protein-rich diet they needDry, grain free cat food recipes are crafted with all natural, real ingredients inspired by your cat's natural, ancestral diet - providing energy from quality carbohydrate sources, plus vitamins, minerals, & other nutrientsWith 40% protein, this dry cat food provides cats with essential nutrients for developing muscle, aiding in digestion, and supporting healthy immune systemsEach grain free dry cat food recipe has no chicken by-product meal, no corn, no wheat, and no soy proteinMore than your average cat kibble, CRAVE adult dry cat food gives your cats the complete and balanced diet they needProvides the texture cats crave in every crunchy bite
Item Number: 5299856
Brand: Crave
Food Type: Dry
Breed Size: All
Life Stage: Adult
Nutritional Option: Grain Free, Natural, Corn Free, Soy Free, Wheat Free
Flavor: Salmon & Ocean Fish
Weight: 4 lb, 17 cups