Cater to your dog's instinct for natural, protein-rich nutrition with Purina ONE SmartBlend True Instinct Classic Ground With Real Beef and Bison natural dog food with added vitamins, minerals and nutrients. This high protein grain free dog food starts with real beef as the number 1 ingredient and includes bison to help supply the meaty goodness your pal's been dreaming of. With 100 percent nutrition and 0 percent fillers, every ingredient in this nutrient-dense, high quality dog food has a purpose. When you fill their bowl, you know they are getting a tasty natural grain free dog food with no artificial flavours, colours or preservatives and no corn, wheat or soy. This canned pate dog food is full of tempting flavor and texture and helps provide the immune support your dog needs to thrive. Serve your adult dog a hearty meal they are sure to enjoy and supply the 100 percent complete and balanced nutrition your dog needs for full-body health with Purina ONESmartBlend True Instinct grain free high protein dog food. And, to add extra variety to your dog's menu, let your dog try our True Instinct With Beef and Bison dry dog food formula, which delivers 30 percent protein to support strong muscles and help your keep up their active lifestyle.
Key Benefits:
Item Number: 5326212
Brand: Purina ONE
Food Type: Wet
Breed Size: All
Life Stage: Adult
Nutritional Option: High Protein
Flavor: Beef & Bison
Weight: 368 g