Our dry dog food duck and potato formula is made with farm-raised duck as the first ingredient and features limited, easily digestible, carbohydrate sources. This duck and potato formula has everything you want to feed your dog and nothing you donât, with no added peas, pea protein, lentils, legumes, corn, wheat, or soy. With over 125 years of combined pet food experience across Board-Certified Clinical Veterinarians, Animal Nutritionists, Research Scientists, Design Engineers, and Pet Feeding Analysts working to design our proprietary formulas, we've got you - and your dog - covered in delivering nutrition, quality, and taste in dry dog food formulas you can feel good about.
Key Benefits:
Item Number: 5328157
Brand: Natural Balance
Food Type: Kibble
Breed Size: All
Life Stage: Adult
Nutritional Option: Grain Free, Limited Ingredient
Flavor: Duck
Weight: 22 lb; 95 average cups per bag