Support your puppy's healthy development by nourishing him with Purina Beyond Chicken and Oatmeal Recipe dry puppy food. To help your puppy thrive, we use high-quality ingredients, including real farm-raised chicken raised without steroids* as the #1 ingredient. Natural probiotics and prebiotic fibre promote digestive health, and other gentle ingredients, like soothing oatmeal, help create a puppy formula that keeps their tummy happy. DHA derived from fish oil also helps him thrive cognitively. Our Chicken and Oatmeal Recipe has more than 15 nutrients found in mothers' milk to meet your little guy's unique needs at this critical life stage. He gets 100 percent complete and balanced nutrition in a natural dog food for puppies with added vitamins, minerals and nutrients to help him thrive. *US Federal regulations prohibit the use of steroids in chicken.
Key Benefits:
Item Number: 5351447
Brand: Purina Beyond
Food Type: Dry
Breed Size: All
Life Stage: Puppy
Nutritional Option: High Protein, Probiotics, Natural, Real Meat
Health Consideration: Digestive Health, High Protein, Vitamins, Minerals
Flavor: Chicken
Weight: 5.3 kg