6 things to know about conures
Experience Level: Intermediate
Size: Most conures grow to about 15 inches (38 cm) long
Lifespan: They can live 20 years or longer
Temperament: Conures have playful personalities
Behavior: They need at least two hours of daily interaction with their humans
Origin: Conures are native to Central and South America
How do I set up my conure’s home?
Keep conures in a cage large enough for them to stretch their wings, climb and play.
Your conure’s cage should be 20 x 20 x 30 inches (51 x 51 x 76 cm) at minimum. The bigger the cage, the better.
Provide at least 2 perches of different thickness and materials; the variation helps keep bird feet strong and healthy. The perches should also be placed at different heights.
Don’t place perches over food or water dishes, because droppings will make a mess where your pet eats and drinks.
Birds are sensitive to smoke, gases, strong smells and drafts. Keep the cage away from the kitchen and open windows, and out of direct sunlight.
Line the enclosure floor with recycled-paper bedding or use a paper liner. Replace the liner at least every other day.
What do conures eat?
Conures enjoy a range of foods, including pellets, commercial birdseed, fruits and vegetables and occasional treats.
Pellets should make up 80-85% of your conure's diet. Keep your bird’s food bowl three-quarters full and refresh it daily.
Feed your conure dark, leafy greens, squash, berries, melons and other brightly colored fruits and vegetables.
Offer birdseed as an occasional treat.
Once a month, offer your bird wheat pasta and/or beans as a special treat.
Conures can have access to a cuttlebone to help keep their beaks healthy.
Your conure should have access to fresh, clean water at all times.
How can I play with and groom my conure?
Conures are smart and sociable. With practice they can learn some tricks such as "step up" and "step down." They can even mimic human speech.
Your conure will enjoy spending time outside of the cage every day. Provide a T-stand or playpen as a hangout. Do not use these stands outside.
Inside the cage, keep your conure busy by rotating a number of toys to keep things new and exciting.
2 or 3 times a week, give your conure a bowl of warm water to use as a bath. Or mist your bird gently with warm water from a clean spray bottle.
How do I keep my conure healthy?
Try not to handle conures for 3 to 4 days after bringing them home to give them time to adjust.
Even a settled-in bird can feel sick. In addition to annual check-ups, talk to an avian veterinarian if you have questions about your bird’s health or if you notice any of these signs of illness or distress:
Decreased appetite or weight loss
Decreased activity or grooming
Sleep and feathers fluffed up
Long periods sitting at the bottom of the cage
Discharge from nose or mouth
Change in droppings for more than 2 days
Use caution when handling pets and remember they may bite or scratch (especially when stressed).
Supervise children around pets.
ALL ANIMALS can potentially carry viral, bacterial, fungal, and parasitic diseases contagious to humans.
Thoroughly wash your hands with warm, soapy water before and after contact with any pet or its habitat.
Adults should assist children with hand washing after contact with a pet, its habitat or aquarium water.
Pets purchased at PetSmart are part of our exclusive Vet Assured™ program, designed by PetSmart veterinarians to help improve the health and well-being of our pets.
Our vendors meet a high standard in caring for pets and screening them for common illnesses. This program also includes specific standards for in-store pet care.
If your pet becomes ill during the initial 14-day period, or if you’re not satisfied for any reason, PetSmart will gladly replace the pet or refund the purchase price.