10 Cool Facts About Betta Fish

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Bettas are one of the most beautiful and popular pet fish in the world. People love their bright colors and flowy fins. They are easy to care for and have fun personalities making them an excellent choice for a first-time fish parent. 
10 Interesting Betta Fish Facts
  1. How Many Different Types of Betta Fish Are There?
There are more than 70 different species of betta fish in the wild. The most popular species is called Betta splendens and that is what type you will almost always see in pet stores. There are over 30 varieties of Betta splendens that have been selectively bred to show certain traits like bright colors or long flowing fins. Some of the most common varieties of pet bettas include the crowntail, delta, double tail, halfmoon and so many more.
  1. What Do Betta Fish Eat?
Bettas are carnivorous, meaning they have high protein, meaty diets. They do well onbetta fish foodflakes or pellets with some frozen or freeze-dried brine shrimp, tubifex worms or blood worms to supplement their diet.
  1. How Long Do Betta Fish Live?
Betta fish live for an average of three years long. If they live in ideal conditions with the best care, it can sometimes be longer. Keep in mind that they may already be six months to a year old by the time they make it to the pet store.
  1. Can Multiple Betta Fish Live Together?
Male betta fish are typically very territorial towards other betta fish, especially other males. Female betta fish are typically less territorial than the males and can sometimes be housed in sorority tanks only with other female bettas. Male and female bettas should not be housed together unless both are ready to breed. If this is something that you are interested in, make sure to do plenty of research on the subject. 
Single male bettas can sometimes be placed into a larger aquarium with peaceful community fish if they are the only betta. When keeping aggressive fish with other fish, always monitor them for signs of aggression and be prepared to separate the aggressor if necessary.
  1. Can Betta Fish Live in a Bowl?
Many people think that betta fish do well in bowls, but this isn’t true. In reality, bettas need clean water conditions to thrive. This means they need a tank that is at least 3 gallons (12 liters), or bigger, with anaquarium heaterand anaquarium filter.
  1. Who Has More Color, the Male or the Female Betta Fish?
It’s common in animals for males to have more vibrant colors than females. The same is true for captive-bred bettas. Male betta fish often have more bright and varied colors than female betta fish do.
  1. Do Bettas Look The Same in The Wild?
Wild betta fish are different looking than those bred in captivity. Captive-bred bettas have been selectively bred to be more colorful then their wild forebearers because most people prefer brightly colored fish as pets.
  1. Can Betta Fish Breathe Air?
Betta fish are in the fish family Anabantoidei. The fish in this family have an organ called a labyrinth lung that allows them to extract oxygen from the air. They also have gills so they are able to get oxygen from the water, too. Many people think that because these fish can get air at the surface that they can live in a fish bowl and don’t need a filter, but that simply isn’t true!
  1. Can Bettas Jump Out of Their Tank?
Bettas aren’t only fantastic swimmers, but they’re also great jumpers. If they live in an uncovered fish tank, then they could jump right out. This is why it’s essential to have anaquariumwith a hood or glass top so that they stay safe in their environment.
Betta fish are really cool pets. They’re stunning in their appearance and incredibly interesting to watch. If you’re bringing a betta home for the first time, make sure you have all of the bettafish suppliesyou need to care for them. Use a pet fish starter kit to bring home all of the essentials.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

How long do betta fish live as a pet? 
Betta fish live for an average of three years long. If they live in ideal conditions with the best care, it can sometimes be longer.

Do betta fish get lonely? 

Single male bettas can sometimes be placed into a larger aquarium with peaceful community fish if they are the only betta. When keeping aggressive fish with other fish, always monitor them for signs of aggression and be prepared to separate the aggressor if necessary.

Can you keep a male and female betta fish together? 

Male and female betta fish should not be housed together unless both are ready to breed. If this is something that you are interested in, make sure to do plenty of research on the subject. PetSmart has betta fish for sale for anyone searching for one. 
Information in this article isn't intended to diagnose, treat or cure your pet and isn't a substitute for veterinary care provided by a licensed veterinarian. For any medical or health-related advice concerning the care and treatment of your pet, contact your veterinarian.

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