Vendor Invoice Process
Invoices that do not follow the below requirements will not be processed into our Vendor Invoice Management (VIM) system, which could result in delay of payment.
View an example Indirect Vendor Invoice
How to submit invoices
If PetSmart has NOT submitted a Purchase Order:
ALL invoices must be submitted as PDF attachments via email to:
- Each PDF can contain only one (1) invoice.
- Multiple invoice PDFs with a resolution of 300dpi or greater can be attached to a single email.
If PetSmart has submitted a Purchase Order:
ALL invoices must be submitted as PDF attachments via email to:
- Each PDF can contain only one (1) invoice.
- Multiple invoice PDFs with a resolution of 300dpi or greater can be attached to a single email.
- Purchase Order number must be provided on the invoice to PetSmart.
Please note that neither of these mailboxes are monitored. If you have any questions or need payment status on invoices, please email:
What needs to be on your invoices
The quality of the data on the invoice is critical to this process. In addition to the standard invoice information (date, invoice number, item number, quantity, price, total value, invoice currency, etc.), invoices must contain the following additional information/data, or they will be rejected:
- PetSmart Vendor Number (see above)
- Acceptable "bill to” entities include:
- PetSmart LLC
- PetSmart Home Office, LLC
- PetSmart Veterinary Services, LLC
- PETM Canada Corporation
- PetSmart Puerto Rico, LLC
- PetsCard, LLC
- PetSmart Distribution, LLC
- PetSmart International Holdings Limited
- PETM Costa Rica S.R.L.
- PetSmart Charities, Inc.
- PetSmart Charities of Canada, Inc.
- The PetSmart PO number (if applicable)
- The PetSmart Store or DC number
- The email address of your PetSmart business contact who coordinated the purchase of goods or services
We greatly appreciate your cooperation by following our vendor invoicing standards. If you have any questions regarding these requirements, please contact
Still have questions? We’re here to help.